Two points!
I hate putting it on my blog , but its official. We lost two points on the economics assignment. 36 out of 38 rounded off to two decimal places is 94.74%. Not bad huh. That’s what a normal person would say. But at an intensely competitive place like ISB this is what I heard:
1) Hey average score on the assignment is 37.65—That means you guys are below average!! May be all of you are below average students( Can u believe it)
2) Forget about Mckinsey. Start looking for other jobs.( as if all of us were getting into Mckinsey)
3) Would you guys manage to pass?
4) How would you recover? (from what)
5) Hey you guys are not that bad. I heard someone got 35 as well ( Oh really, that makes me so happy)
And so many other comments---
Well of course all these comments were made on a lighter note, but the larger part of the problem has got me thinking. ISB is an intensely competitive place with best of the best people. Some of the people are just brilliant in everything they are upto. That perhaps puts all the more pressure on people not to loose two marks. Many of us are finding the sudden changes in life like sitting in classes, struggling with assignments, endless group meetings (read debates) and studying for extended hours a bit too much. On the top of it midterm exams are round the corner. But as they say, some exam or the other is always round the corner at ISB!!
So what do we do? Well do something, anything or everything to scrape thru. I think its important to keep a work life balance @ ISB.I have found that indulging in sports and an occasional gossip does help. Blog writing helps too. ( I am not too sure if reading this would help!!)
Life shall go on. After the Eco assignment, after the mid term and after Term 1 (actually it would go on even after that, but that’s as far as I can think of right now!!)—So I better prepare for the next assignment now. Oh boy does this cycle ever end at this place?? Hmm--- Apr 7 2007 ??—far away
1) Hey average score on the assignment is 37.65—That means you guys are below average!! May be all of you are below average students( Can u believe it)
2) Forget about Mckinsey. Start looking for other jobs.( as if all of us were getting into Mckinsey)
3) Would you guys manage to pass?
4) How would you recover? (from what)
5) Hey you guys are not that bad. I heard someone got 35 as well ( Oh really, that makes me so happy)
And so many other comments---
Well of course all these comments were made on a lighter note, but the larger part of the problem has got me thinking. ISB is an intensely competitive place with best of the best people. Some of the people are just brilliant in everything they are upto. That perhaps puts all the more pressure on people not to loose two marks. Many of us are finding the sudden changes in life like sitting in classes, struggling with assignments, endless group meetings (read debates) and studying for extended hours a bit too much. On the top of it midterm exams are round the corner. But as they say, some exam or the other is always round the corner at ISB!!
So what do we do? Well do something, anything or everything to scrape thru. I think its important to keep a work life balance @ ISB.I have found that indulging in sports and an occasional gossip does help. Blog writing helps too. ( I am not too sure if reading this would help!!)
Life shall go on. After the Eco assignment, after the mid term and after Term 1 (actually it would go on even after that, but that’s as far as I can think of right now!!)—So I better prepare for the next assignment now. Oh boy does this cycle ever end at this place?? Hmm--- Apr 7 2007 ??—far away
At 5:34 PM,
iceman said…
i agree with you that balance is the key. believe me, once we're out of here, the other skills we develop here (networking, sports, other knowledge gained on areas of our interest- maybe something like our CA module thing, etc) are going to matter far more than grades. so, grades should be ok, i believe in developing other skills.
At 9:02 PM,
Venkat said…
Agree with u 100% freddie
Lord or Swami
Pls post ur querries on the ISB yahoo forum. If u look at archives u can find my address.
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